Commonly Defective Bicycle Parts

All consumer goods have the potential to contain defects. Depending on the product and the nature of the problem, a product defect could prove dangerous or even deadly. This is the case with defective bicycle parts, which can pose serious safety risks to riders. Keeping ...

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Who Is Liable if a Recalled Car or Truck Component Caused an Accident?

Every year, hundreds of vehicles and products related to transportation get recalled for safety reasons. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2019 alone, there were 966 recalls of vehicles, car parts, child safety seats and tires. If an investigation finds that ...

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Types of Product Defects You Can Claim in a Product Liability Lawsuit

It is a manufacturer's responsibility to ensure the safety of the products that it releases to the public. It must do so using accepted practices, including obeying product safety tests and meeting federal quality standards. Unfortunately, not every company meets this duty of care, resulting ...

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Injuries Caused by Dangerous Toys

Product manufacturers should legally ensure the safety and usability of the toys and products they produce for children. Federal organizations maintain high safety standards for manufacturers of products for kids. When companies ignore these standards or fail to properly safety-test their products before releasing them, ...

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Breast Implant Complications

Opting for breast augmentation or reconstruction using implants could come with unexpected risks and serious health concerns. As federal consumer safety organizations such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) learn more about the potential long-term effects of breast implants, they are warning consumers to ...

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Dangers of Vaping

Inhaling vapors that contain nicotine and other chemicals, or vaping, has become a popular alternative to tobacco smoking in the U.S. More than nine million adults used e-cigarettes or vape devices in America as of 2014, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ...

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Just For Men Hair Care Product Injuries

One of the most popular hair color brands known as Just for Men is currently being sued by over 150 plaintiffs who suffered personal injuries from using the product. All injuries consisted of allergic reactions from the hair dye ingredients. On April 13th in St. ...

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Talcum Powder and Ovarian Cancer

The Desvastating Truth Behind Johnson & Johnson Talcum Powder For decades the trusted Johnson and Johnson brand of talcum powder has been used by consumers around the world. Mothers use it on their infants starting at birth, adults use it to treat discomfort, athletes use ...

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Mercedes-Benz Owners: Is Your Vehicle Cheating Emissions Standards?

Attention Mercedes-Benz owners: contrary to the claims of the automaker, your vehicle may be producing illegal nitrogen oxide emissions. That is what is alleged in a new lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court of New Jersey. As reported by AutoBlog, the alleged fraud closely ...

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Maloney & Campolo Pursuing Zofran, Invokava, and Other Dangerous Product Claims

At Maloney & Campolo, we keep a vigilant eye on the on the pharmaceutical and medical device markets. While modern advances have improved the quality of life of countless people around the world, every year there are patients who are hurt by these products—patients who ...

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