Texas Legalizes Hemp, Is Marijuana Legal Now?

Texas has historically been one of the states most stringently against the legalization of marijuana. Neither recreational nor medical marijuana is legal in the state of Texas. Texas shares the federal government’s view of classifying marijuana as a Schedule 1 substance with a high potential ...

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Dangers of Vaping

Inhaling vapors that contain nicotine and other chemicals, or vaping, has become a popular alternative to tobacco smoking in the U.S. More than nine million adults used e-cigarettes or vape devices in America as of 2014, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ...

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Is Lane Splitting Legal in Texas?

Lane splitting is a controversial motorcycling technique in which a motorcyclist rides on the line between two lanes of same-direction traffic on a highway with two or more lanes moving in the same direction. Arguments for lane splitting believe it can reduce traffic congestion and ...

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