Just For Men Hair Care Product Injuries

One of the most popular hair color brands known as Just for Men is currently being sued by over 150 plaintiffs who suffered personal injuries from using the product. All injuries consisted of allergic reactions from the hair dye ingredients. On April 13th in St. ...

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Talcum Powder and Ovarian Cancer

The Desvastating Truth Behind Johnson & Johnson Talcum Powder For decades the trusted Johnson and Johnson brand of talcum powder has been used by consumers around the world. Mothers use it on their infants starting at birth, adults use it to treat discomfort, athletes use ...

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Takata Airbag Recall

The Takata airbags remain the largest automotive recall in history. There are currently over two dozen brands affected by the recall. In short, Takata engineered an airbag containing ammonium nitrate. In the event of an accident, the air bag could potentially explode. Many incidents have ...

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