If you get seriously injured in an accident in Texas, you may not think twice before allowing an ambulance to take you to the nearest hospital for prompt medical care. When you receive the bill for the ambulance ride, however, you may think differently. In Texas, an injured accident victim may be entitled to financial compensation to cover ambulance fees in a personal injury case.

How Much Does an Ambulance Cost in Texas? 

The average ambulance service in Texas based on information for the City of Antonio is around $1,000 plus $12 per mile. This is the cost per patient for those who require basic to advanced life support. There is also an additional $100 surcharge for patients who are nonresidents of Texas. If the ambulance is called to the scene but does not provide the patient with transport, there is still a fee of $100. These fees can vary based on the city.

Is There Financial Assistance for Ambulance Fees in Texas?

The accident victim who receives medical care and transportation from an ambulance in Texas will receive the bill for this service. If he or she has health insurance, such as Medicare or Medicaid, the patient can file an insurance claim to request coverage for ambulance fees. If the patient’s insurance only provides partial coverage, the patient will be responsible for any remaining balance.

Texas also has a Charitable Care Policy, where individuals who cannot afford to pay the ambulance transport fee and do not have insurance coverage can have the fee waived or reduced. The full bill can be written off if the patient is earning less than or equal to 400 percent of the Federal Poverty Level. If a patient is able to pay but not all at once, special payment plans may also be permitted with city approval.

Who Pays for Ambulance Fees After an Accident?

If you needed ambulance transport after an accident in Texas that was caused by someone else’s negligence (failure to act with reasonable care), you may be eligible for coverage for your ambulance fees. If your own insurance company paid upfront for your ambulance, these costs could be reimbursed by the at-fault party’s insurer.

If you were injured in a car accident that was caused by a distracted driver, for example, that driver’s car insurance company may be responsible for paying for your ambulance transport fee. A successful personal injury case against one or more parties for causing or contributing to the injury could result in financial compensation for this and other medical bills.

You may be eligible for compensation for your ambulance fees, helicopter transport, hospital bills, emergency department services, travel costs to see a specialist, surgeries, physical therapy, rehabilitation, medications and medical devices. You could also recover lost wage, property repair, and pain and suffering damages.

Proving Liability in Your Accident Case

To receive financial compensation for your ambulance fees in a personal injury case in Texas, you or your San Antonio personal attorney must establish that someone else is more likely to be at fault for your injury than not at fault. You must do this with clear and convincing evidence, such as a police report or witness testimony.

An attorney can help you understand your legal rights, collect evidence against one or more parties, file your personal injury claim, and seek fair financial compensation for all of your economic and noneconomic losses – including ambulance transport costs. For more information about a specific case, request a free and confidential evaluation with a personal injury attorney at The Law Offices of Maloney & Campolo.