Injured in a Truck Accident? Call Our Attorneys!

Jackknife truck accidents are some of the most dangerous kinds of accident a motorist can be involved in. In a jackknife accident, the trailer of a truck skids and swings around, forming a 90 degree angle with the truck’s cab. During this kind of truck accident, the driver is unable to control the vehicle and all cars in the path of the swinging trailer can find themselves facing serious personal injury or even death. Since other vehicles do not have the danger of jackknifing, anyone injured in this kind of accident should retain the experience of an attorney familiar with trucking accidents.

At the Law Offices of Maloney & Campolo, we are no stranger to taking on the type of accidents that have caused you injury, including truck accidents. Speak with our San Antonio truck accident attorney directly by contacting our firm for a consultation.

How Does a Truck Jackknife & What Can I Do?

Jackknife truck accidents generally occur when the wheels of the truck lock up, causing the trailer to continue moving to one side. The driver of the truck may be able to brake and control the jackknifing of the vehicle but the results can widely vary. Jackknife accidents usually happen during bad weather, but can occur at any time.

In general, these kinds of trucking accidents can be caused by:

  • Not keeping an adequate distance from other vehicles on the road
  • Speeding, especially at turns and bends in the road
  • Slamming on breaks in an attempt to stop short
  • Braking and swerving at the same time
  • Brakes that are not properly adjusted

Since a jackknifed vehicle is impossible to control and cannot be moved once it comes to a resting position, cars and other vehicles in the path of the truck may find themselves unable to avoid a collision. You may have grounds for legal action if you have been involved. Make sure you take the steps to recover medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, emotional trauma, property damage, or file a wrongful death claim with a San Antonio wrongful death lawyer on the behalf of a loved one.

Secure Your Free Consultation With the Law Offices of Maloney & Campolo

Accidents that result in an injury are never a good thing, and trucking accidents such as this can bring an entirely new level of complexity to the situation. Our San Antonio trial lawyers have the skill to examine the case, determine what parties may be at fault for the accident, and aggressively fight to recover what you are entitled to.

Our office is located in San Antonio, but we serve anyone in Bexar County in need of personal injury representation. If you are seeking more information about making an accident claim or if you are eligible for damages in your trucking accident case, call our office now to meet with a member of our team. When your rights have been infringed upon, we are here for you.