In the age of e-commerce and online shopping, there are more delivery trucks on the road than ever before. Delivery drivers face many pressures of the job, such as long hours on the road and tight deadlines, that can contribute to catastrophic and deadly delivery truck accidents in Texas.

If you or a loved one was recently injured in a delivery truck accident in San Antonio, the lawyers at the Law Offices of Maloney & Campolo can help you understand and protect your legal rights. Find out if you are eligible for financial compensation during a free case consultation. 

Why Choose Us?

  • Our case results showcase a long track record of achieving successful settlements and jury verdicts for clients, including an $8 million award for a deadly 18-wheeler accident.
  • Our law firm prioritizes you, the client. We will offer sound legal advice, honest opinions and clear explanations about your rights as a delivery truck accident victim.
  • We accept delivery truck accident cases in San Antonio on a contingency fee basis. This means you will only be charged attorney’s fees if we win your case.

What Can a Delivery Truck Accident Attorney Do for You?

An experienced truck accident attorney in San Antonio can guide you through the recovery process so you can focus your energy on healing. Your attorney can investigate the delivery truck accident, collect evidence, determine fault, hire highly qualified medical and crash experts, file your claim, and negotiate for a fair settlement with an insurer on your behalf.

It can be difficult to deal with delivery truck companies and their insurance providers on your own after a truck accident. They will want to minimize your financial recovery and protect their own bottom lines. A lawyer can protect your best interests as he or she negotiates for a fair settlement or takes your case to trial, if necessary.

You do not have to deal with complicated legal processes or insurance matters alone. The right attorney will help you maximize your financial recovery after a delivery truck accident by protecting you from insurance company tactics – all while making sure you have everything you need to get through this difficult time.

Who Is Responsible for Your Delivery Truck Accident in San Antonio?

Delivery services and trucking companies have various responsibilities, or duties of care, to ensure the reasonable safety of others. For example, they must hire qualified delivery truck drivers and train them properly to prevent collisions caused by driver errors. They must also maintain their fleets of trucks, ensure correct cargo loading procedures and obey federal trucking regulations.

If a company violates or breaches its duties of care, this can cause delivery truck accidents in San Antonio. Under these circumstances, the company responsible for failing to ensure the safety of its truck or driver could be held liable, or legally and financially responsible, for the crash. Under the legal doctrine of vicarious liability, employers can be held accountable for the actions and mistakes of their employees, including delivery truck drivers.

Unique Factors Involved in Delivery Truck Accident Cases

While a car accident lawyer can help after any type of motor vehicle collision, it can be especially advantageous to hire one for a delivery truck accident case. This is because these cases involve many unique elements that can make them more challenging.

Examples include:

  • Multiple liable parties and company liability for a delivery vehicle accident.
  • More than one insurance company or policy applying to the case.
  • Unique types of evidence, such as the commercial truck’s black box.
  • Federal laws and trucking regulations, such as driver hours-of-service restrictions.
  • The potential for catastrophic or fatal injuries due to the size and weight of a big rig.

A lawyer will have the knowledge and practice-area experience to properly navigate a complicated delivery truck accident case with expertise.

What Causes Delivery Truck Accidents in San Antonio?

Delivery truck accidents in San Antonio and other urban areas in Texas can occur due to a variety of factors, many of which are traced back to human error and delivery driver negligence. In personal injury law, negligence means a failure to exercise reasonable care, resulting in harm or injury to others.

Common examples of negligence behind delivery truck accidents include:

  • Speeding: drivers may rush to meet deadlines due to pressure to make timely deliveries.
  • Distracted driving: texting, handling paperwork, reading mail or navigating delivery routes while driving.
  • Driver fatigue: broken hours-of-service rules that lead to driving while drowsy.
  • Broken traffic laws: breaking roadway rules, such as running red lights or failing to yield to others.
  • Drunk driving: recklessly operating a delivery vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Lost cargo loads: unbalanced delivery trucks or unsecured cargo that falls off in transit.
  • Poor truck maintenance: negligent fleet maintenance, inspections or repairs, resulting in part malfunctions.

Preventing delivery truck accidents requires adhering to traffic laws, meeting federal trucking industry standards, properly training drivers and adequately maintaining fleet vehicles. If a delivery driver or company falls short of these duties of care, it can be held liable for a related delivery truck accident.

Financial Compensation Available After a Delivery Truck Accident in San Antonio

If you suffered a serious injury or property damage in a collision involving a delivery vehicle in San Antonio, you may be eligible for financial compensation for several of your related past and future losses. 

A financial recovery from one or more parties could pay you for the following:

  • Medical expenses and hospital bills
  • Motor vehicle or personal property damage
  • Lost wages and future income-earning opportunities
  • Temporary or permanent disability or disfigurement
  • Loss of enjoyment or quality of life
  • Pain, suffering and emotional distress
  • Loss of consortium
  • Wrongful death damages for surviving family members (after a fatal truck accident)

Do not rush into a fast settlement if one is offered to you by a delivery company or its insurance provider in Texas. Initial settlement offers are often intentionally set low to save the insurance company money. Instead, bring your case to an attorney at the Law Offices of Maloney & Campolo for a free evaluation.

Contact a Delivery Truck Accident Lawyer in San Antonio Today

If you have been in a collision with a delivery truck in San Antonio, request a free legal consultation to discuss your rights with a San Antonio truck accident lawyer at the Law Offices of Maloney & Campolo in detail. Our law firm has been representing the injured in Texas for over 20 years. Call (210) 390-6747 or contact us online today to schedule your free case review.